A recent retrospective study of 2,818 patients receiving Network care in the United States and around the world, demonstrated that Network care is associated with profound and statistically significant improvement in self-reported wellness areas. Patients report changes in:
Dr. David M. Potter discusses the method of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) done in conjunction with conservative Chiropractic Care to treat patients. Watch the video to get a better understanding of Dr. Potter’s philosophy and how his technique can improve your overall health:
Tapping into Your Body’s Potential to Heal Itself
Dr. Potter utilizes a unique method of healing called Network Spinal Analysis, or NSA, done in conjunction with conservative Chiropractic care. Network Spinal Analysis is an evidenced bases approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touches to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop with this work. They are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements and patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes. Greater self awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between body, mind, emotion, and expressions of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work. NSA is exclusively practiced by Doctors of Chiropractic in relationship to the identification and self regulation of spinal tension and subluxation patterns.
View this video as Dr. David Potter demonstrates the wave on a patient:
Benefits Of Network Spinal Analysis
Physical Well Being
Patients report:
- reduced pain
- improved spinal flexibility
- more energy less fatigue
- fewer cold and flu symptoms
- fewer headaches
Lifestyle Changes
Patients report increases in:
- regular exercise and practice of Tai Chi/Yoga
- meditation and prayer relaxation and self-hypnosis
- consuming health food and vitamins
- eating partial or total vegetarian diet
- decreased need for prescription medications
Emotional and Psychological Well Being
Patients experience:
- less distress about physical pain
- more positive feelings about self
- decreased moodiness
- improved temper
- fewer angry outbursts
- less depression and more interest in life
- fewer concerns about “small” things
- improved ability to concentrate
- less anxiety
Patients report improvement in their:
- overall health and general well-being
- ability to cope with daily problems
- family relationships
- significant relationships
- work
Life Enjoyment
Patients experience:
- openness to guidance by inner feelings
- increased relaxation and well-being
- positive feelings about self interest in maintaining a healthy life-style
- feeling of openness when relating to others
- compassion for others
Overall Quality of Life
Patients experience improvement in:
- personal life self-awareness
- ability to adapt to change
- handling problems in life
- accomplishments in life
- life as a whole
- overall contentment with life
- relationship with significant other
- job satisfaction
- life being as it was thought to be
- romantic life
- actual work done
- relationship with co-workers
- physical appearance
Mon: 9:30am – 6:00pm
Tue: 9:30am – 6:00pm
Wed: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thurs: 9:30am – 7:00pm
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